"Success is not about how much money you make, is about how people appreciate and love what you do."
"Do what you love and don't make your goal is the money. And you see you will have both in the end, just do it because you love it."
"Work hard and believe in yourself and always surround yourself with the people that loves you and motivates you, this is very important because too many people wouldn't wish you success and want to disappoint you according to an experience he had before and it was not successful, don't let this affect you."
"Always make your will strongest than anything, fly with your dreams. Prove that you can make it despite all the difficulties you have in your life. I have a belief that if someone loves something, he would do anything to put it into reality."
"Failing is a reason for rising up again and again and every time you fail ,, it should make you stronger. Never and ever give up!!"